The mission of ELECTROACEROS, S.A. is the casting of moulded steel parts for various industrial sectors and those requested by clients, while at the same time being competitive, always satisfying customer needs and guaranteeing high quality and service in the manufactured products while respecting the environment.
Are the basis of our present and future. They represent our ideas, effort, motivation and development and learning capacity.
They are the tangible result of our effort and capability. They bear the image and the quality of the organisation.
This constitutes an essential reference for the correct balance between our organisation and the actual society.
To achieve maximum customer satisfaction, the quality of our products and services must be a constant reference mark.
All work must be carried out with the customer or consumer in mind, gearing the organisation’s activities toward satisfying the demands of our market.
The basis of this relationship must be the search for a common interest, by using open and honest language, for their integration into our strategies and processes.
ELECTROACEROS, S.A., attending to the demand of a society which is increasingly aware of problems with the environment and to the increased competitiveness of the Industrial sector, have made a commitment to respect environmental principles throughout all our productive processes.
To meet customer requirements, attending to and respecting all the agreed conditions regarding quality, price, deadlines, etc., as well as any legal and regulatory requirements which may affect our activity.
To continuously improve the efficiency of the Quality Management System in the products process and in all organisational-business activity, is the recipe for our success, as well as to provide the necessary resources for the development of our activity, with the collaboration of all parts of the organisation.
To establish quality targets, with regard to processes and activities as deemed necessary. The process indicators, as well as their analysis and evolution, will be conducted in the monitoring of the Organisation’s processes.
The dissemination and understanding (in meetings, work groups, etc.) of this Quality Policy is the basis for motivating and integrating all the current and new workers which are trained in our Quality Management System.
To prevent and reduce to a maximum the environmental consequences of our activities. To comply with all the environmental legislation applicable to our activity and with other requirements which the Organisation takes part in, supported by the collaboration of suppliers, subcontractors and any other Organisation or institution. To inform, train and raise awareness among our employees in environmental aspects concerning their work position and to analyse and apply environmental-friendly and efficient processes and products.
For its continuous adaptation and effectiveness, this Quality Policy is revised and, if needed, updated, systematically in Reviews by the Management.